need help

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need help
Post # 1
I would like to ask a few questions about rituals. Do someone know what kind of rituals are the most powerful? What rituals are more powerful than spiritual rituals? What is more powerful than rituals?
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Re: need help
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
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Re: need help
Post # 3

The ritual is not what is powerful. The effectiveness comes much more from the person doing the work.

I could enact an invocation through the Solomonic tradition, employing the intricate regalia, and achieve literally nothing if I think the rite is about the tools and the words spoken.

I could spend years practicing yoga with no benefit beyond physical if I think it is only about doing poses and stretches.

I could draw sigils and never see results. I could pray to deities and never get an answer. I could recite elaborate passages in very old languages, and experience only babble. So many things. It is not the external process entirely. That process is still a tool to employ the internal to do the work. As the Kybalion says, All is Mind. Magic, I believe, is about process and internal change above all else. You will that change into existence. No chant, no set of motions, no set of instructions can cause that change. But using them to engage the mind is the tool being put to use.

Train your mind. Create your change.

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Re: need help
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 4

The strength of any magical working lies not in the physical acts and items that surround it but the way in which the energies connect, interact, and manifest your desired results.One's thoughts being the center or focus must remain on the objective at all times while casting and their actions must follow suit both while casting as well as after, during what often appears as mundane but in actuality is equally as magical; as above so below, as within so without. Practice helps to strengthen the energies and connections available, often building new connections as one strengthens existing ones. Daily practice is recommended as one studies and learns to practice over time. Moon rituals and sabbat rituals are no more important or powerful than the daily rituals one dances everyday. Mind set is everything in life for it determines one's path, one's happiness.

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