Life Isn't Fair, Hm?

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Life Isn't Fair, Hm?
Post # 1
Dear people who think life ain't fair,

Well, you know what?

Life IS fair. It always is.

I'm sick of the people saying, "Oh life isn't fair get over it." IT IS. It ALWAYS is. Your enemy gets a car, you get nothing. Unfairness. Your enemy gets in a car crash, you still have nothing. Fairness. It always resolves itself out somehow.

You get $20 and your brother gets $25. Unfairness. You still have $20 and your brother loses $5. Fairness. Still resolving itself out.

You have to get glasses and your friend didn't. Unfairness. You figure out your friend has contacts. Fairness.

Everyday, something is resolved in fairness. Why? Because life is fair. It is and forever will be.

So next time, don't say, "Oh life isn't fair get over it."

Next time, say, "We can try to make life fair, you know."

TRY. TRYTRYTRYTRYTRY. It was finally ruin that dreadful adage that insults some of us and creates more unfairness to others. Use my phrase and you'll finally realize that it all resolves itself out.

~Tails Turrosaki

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Re: Life Isn
Post # 2
bravo it is like Numarolagy life is fare live with it
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Re: Life Isn
Post # 3
life may not be fair in this turn...but what about the next life are the last one u lived!!!! look at all this things and it will all turn out fair
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Re: Life Isn
By: / Novice
Post # 4
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Re: Life Isn
By: / Beginner
Post # 5
hear hear!
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Re: Life Isn
Post # 6
This human life may not be what each individual would consider fair, but hopefully our souls will be content enough after death not to even think about the whole 'fair/unfair' concept.
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Re: Life Isn
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 7
The truth is life is not fair.

First you must look at the definition of fair. In this statement, fair could refer to one of many different means.

(1)To be free from bias, dishonesty, or injustice. Life will always contain these three things. But it sure makes a fair dream, as in (2)pleasing in appearance; attractive.

(3)Without irregularity or unevenness. Life will always have it's up and downs from all the bumps in the road, ask anyone who has lived passed the age of 25, their life is already a quarter over and they will tell you how many potholes and hills there are on the path of life.

(4)Proper under the rules. There are no rules to life, the only sure thing in life is death and taxes, Ben Franklin. I don't think taxes are fair though, (5)marked by favoring conditions.

(6)Free from blemish, imperfection, or anything that impairs the appearance, quality, or character. Life is not perfect, if it was we wouldn't have all the junk in life we have to deal with.

(7)Courteous; civil. I so wish that in life everyone was civil and courteous.

You do reap what you sow and that helps to make life a little more balanced. However, life is not fair, this is a life lesson. Once you learn this lesson it increases your maturity and you can move on to other life lessons. That which does not kill us makes us stronger.

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