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Post # 1
what is the most powerfull plant and why do think that it is ?
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Re: fun!!!!!
Post # 2
Tree Dhatura or Brugmasia same thing), it's plant spirit is very closely associated with the Goddess Kali, it is powerfull to the point where incorrect dosing can lead to permanent insanity or death, but once again, it depends how the plant is used, if it's used in the shamanic context to access the underworlds while holding the plants energy and the goddess Kali power in respect it is one of the most amazing tools to surf the psyche, but if it's used for a quick fun ride it WILL end in disaster, the plants energy and spirit is DISTINCTLY female and very raw and wild, anyone ever tried to work with a woman once you have enraged her to the point of insanity, not a pretty sight ;)
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Re: fun!!!!!
Post # 3
errrr, remember i'm a crazy old man, take what i say the way it makes sense to you ;)
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Re: fun!!!!!
Post # 4
There is also phallarus grass which contains the spirit molecule, a chemical only released naturally by the body at the moment of birth, mystical death, actual death, or if you go beyond the 7th and 8th circuit of conciousness, thus another very powerfull plant.
Then there is mescalito, the spirit of Trichoreus type cacti, he is both a guide, healer and cleanser of the body and soul...
once again, just a crazy old man mumbling to himself ;)
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Re: fun!!!!!
Post # 5
hey Kao what is the name of the one i what to talk about it is a cactus and people now days still use it, it will make you see thing and everything.... the cactus when you take it you take its poison and thats why it happens i cant remember if it can cause death or not..... do you know what the name is i cant remember for the life of me. :( lol
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Re: fun!!!!!
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 6
A seed is the most powerful plant. For contained inside any seed is the potential for life. You can not make a seed sprout and grow, but you can help the seed by giving it gifts of energy. Not too much though you don't want to drownd it or burn it.

If you feel that a seed is not a plant, like it can be considered an egg is not a chicken.

The most powerful plant to stop hunger, wheat.
The most powerful plant to make fabric, flax.
The most powerful plant to heal the body, that depends on the ailment. (pm me if you want an answer for this one)
The most powerful plant to give protection, trees
The most powerful plant to fight global warming, trees.
The most powerful plant to break up rocks, trees.
The most powerful plant to stop deforestation, there are two, bamboo and hemp(cannabis). You can make more paper with an acre of hemp than an acre of trees!

The most diverse plant is cannabis. Not only are parts of it edible, it can be used to make paper, fabric, rope, mulch, and animal bedding. Oils made from the plant can be used in paint, as a moisturizer, in plastics and for cooking. There are also studies about it's medical uses. However parts this plant are illegal in many countries.
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Re: fun!!!!!
Post # 7
Drop me a pm Dragon. True words KTS, can never forget one of the oldest tools known to man in all different aspects of his being Cannabis.
I would also like to drop a mention of the Morning Glory plant, it's seeds used in conjunction with other entheogens often gives much more deeper insight into the problems within ones being, it acts kinda like the salt which makes the soup.
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Re: fun!!!!!
Post # 8
the belladona plant it is very deadly it is used for the most powerfull potion
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Re: fun!!!!!
Post # 9
the most powerfull plant...hmmm...well...i would go with Kts on this one...i'd say trees and the rest is just the matter of what kind of power we are speaking about...
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