Language spell

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Language spell
Post # 1
I'm looking for a spell that gives you the ability to read, speak & write any language. It should at least be able to give you the ability to instantly learn 1 language. Would like to have a language spell that will make you learn every known human language instantly.
I think a possible side effect would be that when you use the spell it would possibly drain most of your energy & knock you out for a few hours
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Re: Language spell
Post # 2

You can find or create spells for whatever you could possibly imagine, but that does not make anything possible.

You may endeavor to learn a language, and become both vocally fluent and literate. You can use spells for determination, focus, and similar. But nothing will simply implant information into your brain.

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Re: Language spell
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 3

There isn't a spell that will automatically let you read/speak in any language. (I wish there were, it would come in handy.) But sadly, if you want to learn a language you will need to study and practice it just as everyone else does.

There are some ways in which you can use magical practices to help you learn a language more easily. For instance, the crystal, Fluorite, can aid in mental focus and processing. And any of the crystals associated with the throat Chakra can help with mastering how to speak the words of your new language more clearly.

Some herbs can also aid in learning. Rosemary and sage are good for memory and intellect. Peppermint aids with focus and clarity of mind. Cinnamon helps make you more alert. Ginko Biloba has been thought to aid memory. Ginko is available in a pill form. The others can be obtained as oils which you can put into an oil burner and diffuse them while you are studying.

And, as was already said, there are spells to aid in concentration, determination, etc. But none that will just let you learn a language instantly.

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