My Ancetor spirits

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My Ancetor spirits
Post # 1
Shamman I asked for fortunetelling, she said my ancestors affect my life, and if I want to, I can be kinda a shamman in the future.
But their/my power is not yet revealed.

I wish I could communicate them.
And I'm so confuse why they come to me.
I have so many things to ask to them.

What can I do?
How can I communicate with them?

I miss my grandfather so much. (he passed away few years ago)
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Re: My Ancetor spirits
Post # 2
All you have to do is meditate on them. Be quiet and still within yourself and remain open to their communications. Remember them. Carry a photo or personal item of theirs. Visit their burial place and be quiet.

Remember the blood of your ancestors runs in your veins and makes up your DNA. All you need to connect with them is within you.

People can take time to come through after they've crossed over, some don't stay around but be patient and open to them.

Ancestors reflect who they were in life so some are best left where they are, others try to guide and protect. One of mine I never met living but looks out for me as kin.

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