Demon attached

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Demon attached
Post # 1
I have had a dream about a demon anyways that’s another story for another day what dose it mean when a demon is so attached to you In your dreams that it says his name and say “come here my daughter” instead of him saying that I’m his kid what dose that mean? Like I already knew what demon it was but was I attached at birth? Anyways thanks for reading:3
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Re: Demon attached
Post # 2

A dream of a demonic entity, is not enough to be considered an attachment.

With an attachment one would experience some type of activity within waking life.

A dream alone is not an indication of an attachment.

I hope you find this helpful.

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Re: Demon attached
Post # 3

Like it's been mentioned dreams are normally not enough to see if there is an attachment. Typically a spirit in waking life will often make themselves known to you during your waking life if they are attached to you. If you are worried about it you can always try a cleansing bath which is just water with salt add into the bath. If you knew about the demon in your dream then you can always research it, maybe the dream had another meaning for you. As for saying it's name many spirits typically say the name that you would know them by.

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Re: Demon attached
Post # 4
the demon is not attached to you he simply wants to work with you hes calling out to you thats all.
if your into that kinda stuff you should try summonning him and making a deal or pact if you need more info on this your welcome to dm me.
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