Offering Bowels

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Offering Bowels
By: / Beginner
Post # 1

What should I do when an offering bowl is filled up? I don't want to discard the items like trash.

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Re: Offering Bowels
Post # 2
Depends on what you're putting in the bowl.

Liquid libations can be poured out onto the ground and food and flowers can be composted; it all goes back to the earth.

Physical votive offerings (clay images, jewellery, charms) can be buried or given to lakes and pools. Archaeologists frequently find votive swords in wetlands and lakes that were offered up by our ancestors.

Generally as long as it's being done respectfully and not just poured down the sink or chucked out with the rubbish then it's fine.

You can also ask your gods/spirits directly what they would like you to do with the physical remains of their offerings.
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Re: Offering Bowels
By: / Beginner
Post # 3

Would it be okay to empty the offering bowl each full moon and decide whether to keep objects with you in a stash or bury some unground respectively.

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Re: Offering Bowels
Post # 4

I agree with the last post. A lot of offerings can be returned back to the ground even crystals. However, if you feel like you should so something else like wait for the next full moon to do so then yes you can.

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Re: Offering Bowels
Post # 5
The only thing you really want to avoid is when food or drink offerings go mouldy, so it's better to remove them before than happens then keep them lying around until the full moon. If that's not an issue then there's no reason not to keep them on your shrines until a specific moon phase.

Again, you can consult with your gods/spirits to discover what they think is suitable. A dedicated pendulum is great for this.
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