BOO! c'est moi!!!

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BOO! c'est moi!!!
Post # 1
Hi everyone, my name's Rebecca,and i'm 17. I'm a beginner, and i haven't attempted many spells yet, although i'm currently trying to master astral projection.
I joined this site after i decided i needed to be able to discuss my spells with other people, firstly for the fun of it (people in my school find it fun when i talk about magick, but they don't really want to try stuff), and secondly because i've tried a few basic spells (didn't really follow the guidelines :S) but they went awfully wrong and some quite frightening stuff happened...

anyway, chat with you soon! (the one spell i've been looking all over for, although i suppose i haven't found it because i didn't use the right wording, is a rejuvenation spell: i don't want to grow up, you see. Does anyone know a spell that can make a 17 year old into a 4 year old again? (only physically, though))
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Re: BOO! c
Post # 2
Bonjour!! Nice to meet you and welcome to the sight!! About wanting a spell to turn you into a 4 year-old again, there is no such spell. Time is your friend, not your enemy. Growing up has alot of pains as far as I've been told but you also get alot more freedom.
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Re: BOO! c
Post # 3
Merry meet, Izanami! It's nice to meet you. I hope you enjoy your time here with us.

If you need any help with the astral projection, I'd be glad to lend a hand since I have access to a step by step process that I've had much success with.
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Re: BOO! c
Post # 4
oo, yay thanks, astral projection! actually i've started trying this, and it sort of felt like it was working, but i got cut off because the wind made the blinds on my window clash, and it broke my concentration. actually i suppose i lost it because i've a couple of spells in my room at night before (just simple stuff: dream recall and an eye colour changing spell), but they went wrong and something (i have no idea what) attacked me (in fact now i think back i'm not even sure it WAS attacking, but it definitely felt bad). part of the dream recall conditioning is to do with auto-hypnotism, and relaxing ur body the way i've heard it's supposed to be done for astral projection: do u think i could somehow have "semi-projected" by mistake and attracted something bad? is there anything i can do or use to protect myself while trying to project?
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Re: BOO! c
Post # 5
Do you perform these workings in a protective circle? Do you have a spell in place to guard you against black magick and negative entities? If not, you might want to see to rectifying that before attempting to astral project again. Some entities are attracted to the energy itself that's generated by such a working. It's almost like shouting out "I'm in an unprotected, weakened state. Come and get me!" That is something I sometimes like to call, the Nan-na-na-na-na Approach to Magick :)
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Re: BOO! c
Post # 6
ah, ok, thanks. are there any relatively "simple" protective spells u could advise me to use (is it true that ur abilities grow the more spells u perform, or is it just force of habit)?
i will try out with the protective spell: however, is it possible that whatever came at me could have been there before i started? because remember something white (a bit like the fuzz you get on a TV when it's not working properly) flashing vertically through the air as i put away my laptop after looking up the spells.
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