Contact with a user

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Contact with a user
Post # 1

If anyone knows how to get to contact of person Neko_of_life please please contact me back on this forum I just want to ask some questions about one of his spells and that's it whoever is reading this I hope you have a great day or night goodbye

Re: Contact with a user
Post # 2
This thread has been moved to Misc Topics from Welcome.

Re: Contact with a user
Post # 3

It may be that this individual had removed their account. I am not certain if the forum search allows one to search members. If their account still exists, there may be forum posts or other site history that may re-direct to their profile. You can message them from there.

Remember too, if they have not visited the site in a long while it is not very likely they will.

If they are here on another account they may get in touch with you.

Good luck.

Re: Contact with a user
Post # 4

I'll try that but I don't think their account still

Re: Contact with a user
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 5

The person you are trying to reach is no longer a member of this website.

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