Are Poppets Closed?

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Are Poppets Closed?
Post # 1
Saw in a book that poppets are a great form of DIY witchcraft but I don't want to step on anyone's culture !
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Re: Are Poppets Closed?
Post # 2

Poppets are unique to traditional British witchcraft. Dolls can be found in many cultures, in example from ancient Rome there has been found small clay effigies. Clay dolls of individuals. Hoodoo practitioners too use these, as well as the traditional Voodoo doll, which is closed.

Here in America I call them cloth dolls as opposed to puppets. But yes these can be used by differing cultures under different names.

Oddly enough my mother was speaking with an African co-worker. He was speaking to her of Voodoo and said he knew someone who could get her a doll if she needed it.

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Re: Are Poppets Closed?
Post # 3

Puppets was supposed to read poppets. Sorry, autocorrect.

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Re: Are Poppets Closed?
Post # 4
Ok just wanted to make sure, thank you :)
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