Second sight.

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Second sight.
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Second sight, crystal scrying.

A short summary on crystal scryingand second sight.


It has been long suggested when crystal scrying, that clear specimens are better. Historically colored transparent stones such as smoky quartz were commonly used by those whom were considered seers. Below we look at methods of scrying and second sight.

Scrying via use of crystals.

The author of the resource work listed at the end of this article, supposes, that transparent like stones, especially quartz and beryl, are actually capable of holding a sort of record, that sensitives may be able to clairvoyantly see or become aware of.

Quartz itself is used in technology today including cellphones and other devices.

When we say we are programming our crystals, then, is there the possibility of such tools being truly programmable?

It is posed that transparent crystals used should be sphere shaped or rounded, yet I have had success with rectangular smooth pieces or rough specimens, which leads me to consider that the shape of the stone is not so important as the type.

Types of visions.

There are a couple types of imagery that I have experienced. The first is a very literal type of vision. Where what is seen in a way speaks for itself, it is more literal than metaphorical.

An example: I was scrying upon a wooden pendant I had recently acquired at the thrift shop to see if I could pick anything up on it. In mind's eye appeared a dove taking to a rooftop. I had never seen a pendant with a wood piece in the setting so I went researching online. During my search I found an article regarding religious jewelry. Listed in the article was that the dove symbolizes the holy spirit.

I saw the image of the dove only an hour prior to this.

The next type of imagery is the metaphorical variety. Where the image is not literal and accompanying feelings help to determine the circumstances of the image.

An example is scrying for a sitter and getting an image of a ball of yarn. The following thought is of the hands being tied or being tied up in something. You relay this image to the sitter and they confirm they've felt particularly busy the past few weeks.

Methods of second sight.

The simplest method I use is to close my eyes, yet with focus on a particular individual. I let any imagery come to me and honestly relay it to the sitter inquiring whether any image or feelings relates or not.

If something does not relate to an individual this is fine. It is an indication to keep practicing. In time you may find things relate more to those you scry for.

Things you may see.

I have been able to pick up by a combination of images and feelings things such as events, hobbies of an individual, clothing one or a relative may wear, and emotions.

I have also been able to view the auric body, and have been able to determine spirit attachment.

Over time, much patience, experimenting, and noting down results I have learned to trust in my abilities. Experience with mind's eye scrying (second sight) has given me all the proof I personally need.

I hope you, the reader, enjoyed this short summary of crystal scrying and second sight. May this article find you well.

Resource: Second Sight A Study of Natural and Induced Clairvoyance. Sepharial, A Public Domain Book.

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