Random discussion prompt

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Random discussion prompt
By: / Novice
Post # 1
Seeing as there is a bit of an upswing on philosophical thought at the moment, I thought it might be time to try something out.

I would like to make a basic statement, then open the floor to whatever thoughts it prompts. Agree with it? Explain why. Disagree? In what way. Don't really understand what it even means? Ask about where it confuses you. Makes perfect sense? Describe what it means to you. Does it inspire a thought that has no direct link? Share it anyways. Let's see what kinds of discussion comes out!

Here we go;
"The past is memory, the future is probability. Both are determined by the present."

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Re: Random discussion prompt
Post # 2

While the past offers the material in which we shape, and the future is what we hope to make that shape, what we seek, the present determines how we move forward or if we don't. Tomorrow isn't a promise, but if we wish for a better tomorrow, its today, the present, that we must make the changes and actions we desire.

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Re: Random discussion prompt
By: / Novice
Post # 3
I can definitely agree with the (almost poetic) way that you put it. 'The now' is the deciding factor which largely defines both your future and past.

While to me this makes the present moment the most vital thing to pay attention to, past and future shouldn't be neglected either. Having some understanding the patterns of the present, and projecting that to the future allows you to plan and prepare. And observing the past allows a person to understand how they came to the present, which can help greatly in effecting personal change in the present which can re-define the future.

To me, all three are interlinked. Linda Goodman was a fan of calling things like these spirals, because it is a repeating cycle of influences- but each time around expands from the previous. Only recently have I been starting to wrap my head around it... but as I do it makes a lot of sense. At least once you get past worrying about the 'chicken or the egg' paradox it feels like anyways. Instead, I actually think this concept answers that paradox handily.

What came first? The egg. What laid it was a pervious version of 'chicken'. What will it lay? A newer version of 'chicken'.

Basically, spirals are representative of an evolving cycle that evolves with each iteration. However miniscule that evolution may be.
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Re: Random discussion prompt
Post # 4

One of the reasons I think the ancients were so interested in circles and spirals as well as elemental and astronomical patterns/events. Great discussion prompt, Spirit.

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Re: Random discussion prompt
By: / Novice
Post # 5
I hope to do this on occasion, whenever I can think of a topic that might be interesting. I'm hoping that as time goes on, more people might start tossing in their two cents.
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