after we died/Suicide

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after we died/Suicide
Post # 1
if the afterlife exists so people go to another world right?!
but how come there are some witches or mediums who can summon them and talk to the one who died?
do hell and heaven exist too?! like there is a lot of spells to summon demons and angels but still, there are several topics about gods and goddess.

I'm so lost if anybody can help me I appreciate it.

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Re: after we died/Suicide
Post # 2

There are no absolute answers. It's all based on faith and belief. Some people may believe all who have gone before re-combine with a concept such as "the All," or may hang out on the astral for a while, or any of the innumerable beliefs about the existence and conditions of any sort of afterlife. Some beliefs may share aspects, while many will differ vastly. There is no absolute, repeatable, verifiable, provable answer.

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