I am new here...

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I am new here...
Post # 1
Hi, I am interesting in all magics (not bad ones), i like to help people, I hope I can learn some spells to help people and myself.
I hope if someone can help me on the basic magic spell training.
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Re: I am new here...
Post # 2
people here will help you.... you're in the right place to practise magick.... GOOD LUCK!!!!!
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Re: I am new here...
Post # 3
Hey there, it's good to know that your'e interested in magic. I hope you'll enjoy it here.
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Re: I am new here...
Post # 4
My friend said this once: "Practice white magic to help others not yourself and your reward will be greater than anything you can imagine." Of corse you may use magic to help yourself, but you get the main message, and it seems as if you are at least half way there. Frey was right; you are in the right place to practice your gift. Ask as many questions as you need. (not to say that i am a genius, because i am a newbie of 5 days to this site and most magic) i will answer the ones i can. I like helping people with magic; it can get rather interesting.
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