hard karma?

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hard karma?
Post # 1
okay, basically at school there are some times year 11ns who pick on me because I'm tall, so basically I want a sort of karma inducing spell, so basically if some one hits me they will basically get beaten up by some one else. (hence the word induce) I don't really mind if it happens vis versa, I.e. if I hit some one intentionally ill get beaten up, but any way yea that's what I want anyone got any ideas how this idea could take effect?
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Re: hard karma?
By: / Novice
Post # 2
Ok because you get bullied you want to curse someone else to have karma hurt them...HAHAHA This is not how it works. If they are already doing this karma already has a plan for them, it may happen now or in 5 or 6 years from now. You cant make karma do anything. It is what it is. Instead of turning to magic which could possibly screw up your own karma, why dont you do the responsible thing? You could tell a teacher or defend yourself if necessary, I prefer the latter of the two, but until you have exhausted all of you physical options, dont look to magic for such a ridiculous task.
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Re: hard karma?
Post # 3
that's right but there is stuff you can do about IT know but remember what ever you do comes back in you three fold
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Re: hard karma?
Post # 4
thats why im scared if i beat the hell out the guy karma might come and get me and i definitly dont want that :(
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Re: hard karma?
Post # 5
just do this curse him for if you do it in a cercle karma wont efect you that much or if you are like me Karma does not even harm me
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Re: hard karma?
Post # 6
demon gate karma probably does effect u but its probably so miniscule u dnt notice it, but iv been using protection for ages and i havnt had anythin bad happen to me for ages so when i get yelled at or kicked or watever i take it alot worst than any one else :(
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