
Forums ► Introduce Yourself ► hello!
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Post # 1
hi! i'm nena/madalena and i'm new here. i've seen and explored a bit of this site when i was a child but yesterday i found my way back here, now as a member. i'm 24 and i'm brazilian. i'd love to make new friends and learn new things here, aswell as grow and help others grow too. just introducing myself :)
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Re: hello!
Post # 2
well met nena, lilia here, i was born into witchcraft and found this website a while a go. feel free to reach out.
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Re: hello!
Post # 3
thank you lilia, nice to meet you!
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Re: hello!
Post # 4
Hello Madalena! I have had a similar experience being on this site in my youth. Welcome back!
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Post # 5
My name is Damian and I've been studying and practicing Magick for around 4 or 5 years now.
I'm an empath, a healer and a musician.
I'm the vocalist and lyricist for my Nu metal band, Haydon.
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Re: hello!
Post # 6
Hello, there.
Might I ask your name?
Also, you've stated that you're born into witchcraft.
How so?
Lineage or does your family actively practice?
I'm very curious.
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Re: hello!
Post # 7
hi zarmir! it's really great when we come back to something we used to check as kids. i love the nostalgia and it's even more special when you're now old enough to understand what you're looking at. i'm loving the experience. wish you a great day!
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Re: hello!
Post # 8
hello damian, how are you?

no, i wasn't born into witchcraft i think. the closest to that was my grandmother practicing rituals from a native religion from where i live, and my mother aswell having spiritual experiences similar to mine before deciding to follow another religion, but i don't know a lot about this background.

i however am a beginner witch trying to find my path yet. as a kid i used to have spiritual experiences such as hearing and seeing some things. if i concentrated hard enough aswell, i could almost see what i thought were different realms, or hear thoughts that weren't mine, but it's all very clouded in my mind after i've grown up. only now almost a decade later i feel confident enough to try and understand those happenings aswell as follow a path i believe that has always been calling me. thank you for asking. also, i think it's so cool that you're in a band!

have a great day!
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Re: hello!
Post # 9
i think you mean me, damian. it is both. a lineage and also my family practice.
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