Detect Curse

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Detect Curse
Post # 1
I was wondering if there are any ways to know if someone cursed you. Like someone put a curse on you and you don't know it, and you want to know if they did so you can do something about it.
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Re: Detect Curse
By: / Novice
Post # 2

Negative influences, spellwork, curses, etc, can typically be seen in divination readings. A larger more general reading on you and your current situation with cards, runes, and the like will often show a negative influence impacting your life or energy even if you yourself cannot sense it physically or energetically.

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Re: Detect Curse
Post # 3
Yes, if you notice that you're having a lot of bad luck getting hurt a lot more than the normal. Not just an injury here there but happening frequently. You could always pick up a pendulum always ask what yes is to show you and what no is because it tends to be different for different spirits. Then ask "am I cursed?" If the answer comes out yes first thing you want to do is do a cleansing bath and you can smudge yourself with cedar or pine to help protect yourself. Sage helps to clean an area or yourself if you smudge with sage but cedar and pine will help to protect. You can take a jar put some uncooked rice in there some rubber bands some dried beans. You want to take a piece of paper and send it back to your enemies if you don't know who the person is. If you do know who the person is then you can always put send it back to and put the person's home name and if you know their birthday that helps too. Then you're going to leave it under your bed or somewhere where you know that nobody will touch.
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Re: Detect Curse
Post # 4
I heard if you dream your teeth are out you have been cursed. This may be an old wives tale, but it sounds traditional.
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Re: Detect Curse
Post # 5
sorry should be falling out
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