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Post # 1
Hello, my name is Diana, I am 30 and I’ve been a practicing witch since I was young. I grew up with my Nan who was Celtic and she passed down much of her knowledge of herbs to me. I am also savvy in protection magic, and I have a strong knowledge on crystals. I am an Earth witch and I have three dogs and one cat. Lately I have been putting a fair amount of research into the Fae, hoping to add a page or so that does justice to them in my Book of Shadows. The more I learn the more I feel that I trip to Ireland is necessary. I am not in any coven, but I am open to joining one. The spells I have to offer can help provide good sleep and protection from unwanted energies. They often involve the use of candles, crystals, incense and herbs. I’m looking forward to being apart of this online community.
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Re: Hello!
Post # 2
Welcome Diana. A trip to Ireland sounds nice!
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Re: Hello!
Post # 3
I am also new here and a witch in my 3rd decade. I hope we both get a lot from the site.
I also have been thinking I need a trip to Europe/Ireland to connect with magical roots. And also am trying to figure out how to overcome the fear of starting my Grimoire and completing a Book of Shadows to pass along.
Let me know how it goes or if you find anything inspiring for writing a Grimoire!
Blessed be!
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