Saving My Husband

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Saving My Husband
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Warning: mental health triggers
I need a spell to bring my husband back when he is not physically gone
Warning: mental health triggers
So my husband suffers from Schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. It’s caused him so many obstacles in his life but in May of last year he was actually doing pretty good. Working full time and on his meds-able to separate what is happening here from what is beyond the veil*. With some of the things he has told me, it’s hard for me to think that his schizophrenia doesn’t allow him to see some things that we can’t. In May of last year I was the problem in our marriage. My alcohol had reached its peak and he couldn’t watch me kill myself anymore. He gave me an ultimatum and a time frame of 6 months to get sober and come back to him. After everything I’d lost to my drinking, I couldn’t bear to lose him too. After 3 months I called him, sober. He didn’t believe me, and he’d also met someone. This girl, a 19 year old with a wild and extreme reputation even for his standards, made me uneasy from the start. I understood the hurt coming from him, and I understood that he didn’t want to be alone, but every time I saw this girl I could feel a spiritual attack in the works. I stayed sober though, after making it so far I actually preferred life without alcohol. Last month when I did my runes, it showed that I was in a place of freedom and would soon find myself in a place of unity or marriage. This would be shortly followed by complete and utter chaos; bad business decisions, debts, unwanted pregnancy even.
Now. Last week I ran into my husband. He is not doing well to say the least and I worried for him so we exchanged contact-his phone had been stolen. This brief reunion was followed by complete and utter chaos: wrongful eviction, dog theft, my ex-roommate made up a pregnancy to get attention…none of it even remotely triggered by him. This chaos has in turn solidified our reunion. Here is where things get hard for me. My husband has always had Bipolar Disorder and Schizophrenia. But this…this is Dissociative Identity Disorder. Whatever happened while he was with this girl…what he has described to me sounds like a ritual containing some very dark magic. Throughout our relationship, while it has been very spiritual, I have been careful not to talk much magic with him as it can cause him to fantasize to a point where he can become very suggestible. This man is now telling me that my husband is gone and that he’s actually another person who has been living both in him and beyond the veil for the past 35 years. I’ve known him for 28 years and I’ve never seen this. My rational mind is telling me that he’s got to be admitted, but then…my husband is a very emotionally sensitive person and lashes out a lot, and this guy, who says he has a lot to offer, he’s more rational. Again, 28 years. We’ve done everything we can think of at this point. He’s been coddled, he’s been kicked out, he’s been put in jail, hospitalized and put under court order…I’m thinking that I’ve never actually listened to him and thought, “for the sake of all argument, let’s just say that what he is saying is reality, how do we solve that problem.” I actually can’t have him admitted under the mental health act for this unless he becomes a threat to the safety of himself or others. Now I’d like to share what he has told me, because…for one it’s something that sounds weird and dark. First is that my husband is dead. Let’s call him John. This guy, let’s call him Jake, says that he has been riding backseat all this time. John has been eaten in a soup by a family of people, relations of the young woman he was seeing. That part got graphic and I’ll omit it. Jake, claims to be John’s twin brother but has spent his entire reality in a place suspended between here and beyond the veil, making brief appearances in both worlds but has only now been allowed to ride front seat and take the wheel. He says that he has a part of John, and so do I, and that he could be brought back, but a ritual must be done in order to dispel the pot of soup which contained his soul. His words. He has said that there is Dwarven magic involved…this is one of the stranger conflicts I’ve had in my life. Barring western medicine (until he becomes a threat to one’s safety,) , it’s not a spell to break possession that I want, it’s something else entirely. “John” and “Jake” are two sides to one coin. I just want to get John back.
So I’ve been thinking…if this ritual had a soup that someone else had to drink, couldn’t I make a potion in my cauldron for him to drink, containing the essence of him that I have? He gave me a jade pendant, a double infinity twist. He says that that’s where John is. I would be lying if I said I didn’t feel him in this amulet every day. In theory I could make an elixir…I don’t know if there is an existing spell for this, I’m thinking I have to write one. I’m of both Nordic and Celtic bloodlines and have had most of my success in simple Celtic luck and protection spells. I also work well with herbs. He is open to any solutions I come up with and understands that if he ends up becoming a safety threat that I will be taking him to the hospital.
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