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Post # 1
When I perform astral projection it is rather hard for me, I have ADHD and am currently unmedicated with no intentions on taking the temporary solution to a lifelong problem, every time I astral project everything is very blurry and dark black, as if I am 90% blind, I can't imagine things and I am lead to believe I have aphasia, as I can't imagine images I can merely imagine concepts and descriptions of said object, like say an apple, when I imagine an apple I don't imagine the apple but I know what it looks like, and I know it's not my third eye or chakras because I am certain those are open, I hope I am not doing things wrong, I struggle with meditation due to my ADHD so I never do that, and the only time I have gotten close to actually astral projection was when I was high on the lords loud but then I fell asleep, anyone have any advice to help me?
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