Rose quartz crystals

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Rose quartz crystals
Post # 1
Hi I have a question about the rose quartz crystal. I would like to use the crystal to attract love. I know putting it beside my bed would help. Now the only problem is that between my bed is an old heater that doesn't work and a bookshelf. Which spot would be be a better spot to put the crystal on the bookshelf which is kind of next to my bed or on the floor next to my bed?
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Re: Rose quartz crystals
Post # 2
I would definitely put it on the bookshelf, especially if it's small and might get damaged on the floor.
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Re: Rose quartz crystals
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 3
This thread has been moved to Magic Items from General Info.
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Re: Rose quartz crystals
Post # 4
Don't forget to cleanse, charge, retune and remember to keep doing that. Also be sure to spell the crystal.
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Re: Rose quartz crystals
By: / Novice
Post # 5
Spelling and tuning is actually not quite so necessary. Rose quartz already has an affinity towards attracting love and affection. If it was clear quartz, definitely as clear is basically the 'blank slate' of the quartz family.

As for where to place it, I would recommend a place where it is visible and ideally where natural light can 'feed' it. Crystals don't manufacture energy, they are more like batteries. They use a charge and then need to be replenished. The sun is a constant (and literal) source of light and energy, which shines through the crystal for it to 'colour' and release.

The idea is to see it and be reminded of its meaning and function. It is there to bring energy to your space, yes, but also to remind you of your goals and growth. That doesn't happen if you hide it away.

I find the best way to charge your space using crystals is to place them on a window sill. Ideally on a small mirror so the light that shines down through them reflects up as well and outward into your space.
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Re: Rose quartz crystals
Post # 6
I was saying to spell it to specify what "kind" of rose quartz energy is needed, ie: self love, as apposed to the romance , like if you were flowers let's say and you used to them by placing them in the room of someone who recently had a surgery, you wouldn't put roses in the room right? No, cause romance isn't needed, what would be needed would be strength or defense since their recovering so you would use something like chrysanthemums which supports that kind of magic. Same idea with the rose quartz, its naturally tuned to love , due to the clear quartz which amplifies and the lava which is "strong emotion" which turned into love energy, which to me my rose quartzs feel like "self love/ inner strength" but then I spell them for say for example, "fluff up my beauty" or whatever the specific thing your after is that rose quartz can support. Also rose quartz fades in the sun. I'm not intending to argue with Spirit(the user) but I just wanted to give some context.

Thank you

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Re: Rose quartz crystals
By: / Novice
Post # 7
That is quite sensible, actually. Sometimes it can indeed help to define something specific like that. The clarification is definitely helpful, and I agree that if you wanted to narrow the focus to a specific quality or goal wouldn't be a waste of time. One would indeed see some benefit from it.

My personal preference is to let a crystal do its thing. I grew up with a lot of 'new-age' influences so I have a tendency to trust the energy will work itself out as long as I am clear on my intent.
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Re: Rose quartz crystals
Post # 8
u r good
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