Health spells

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Health spells
Post # 1
What are the most powerful spells for health physical healing?
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Re: Health spells
Post # 2
Hi Staceyross

So just to give you some insight, I would presume that you may possibly want to look more towards healing first rather than spell casting. As I'm saying this, I'm obviously not sure what the physical or health issue is. In general , there are health spells, however, if one can resolve a health issue by let's say, getting the required help or treatment, or even taking the proper medication prescribed by a health practitioner, then that will be the first and obvious thing to do.

Then if you looking solely towards physical healing, and want to explore with natural body energy, and natural body healing, i will suggest crystal energy healing. Self energy manifestation is also a more effective way of self healing. ( Highly recommended )

Then again if you specifically looking for a health spell, there is a host of health spells on this site to explore.

Trust you will find what works for you.

Blessed Be
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Re: Health spells
Post # 3
Anyone can add a spell to this site so of course your going to find some "fake" spells, but aside from the obvious is that a spell is as powerful as the energy you put into it. for example say you had a spell written by a line of 2,000 year old shamans , if the person casting that spell can't cast, well then this spell is useless to you. You need to know how to perform magick, but since that's not the question I'll instead say this. You can't ask a general question and expect a specific answer. What's the context? Feel free to message me if you need more assistance as I don't really check the forums all that often.
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Re: Health spells
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 4
This thread has been moved to Other Spells Discussion from General Info.
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