Another Attraction Spell

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Another Attraction Spell
Post # 1
Here's another Attraction Spell I came up with. I think this spell might have been cast before not sure let me know. Here it is.

Attraction Spell
Items Needed:
Rose Quartz Crystal
Red Candle

Casting Instructions
Cleanse the crystal by washing it under a spigot
On the paper write down all the qualities you are looking for in a romantic partner
Light the candle and burn the paper
As the paper burns hold the candle above the flame.
Dispose the paper by burying it or flushing it
Carry the crystal with you and sleep with the crystal next to you.

There's my attraction spell. Let me know what you think of it.
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Re: Another Attraction Spell
Post # 2
Am I to assume that the crystal has been cleansed, charged (with the proper "type" of rose quartz energy, ie: for me when I sense rose quartz it's default energy feels like inner strength/ self love, so when I charge it and say I was going to use it for a "attraction spell" I would charge it for "drawing energy" and retune it to the earth. I would cleanse the candle and consecrate it (in the case of your spell) to be a temporary home for the essence of positive transformation, following this I would invoke the spirit of fire at the same time light the candle. Cleanse the paper and place at the four conners of the paper in a specific order with specific runes that I will not be sharing here. I would also cleanse the pen or what ever is being used for writing, I would not only concentrate on what I wanted to write but push energy into the paper otherwise your just "wishing" for stuff and witchcraft is not wishing, it's a practice that uses specific magical formulas. But after that assuming I've done everything, I would fold the paper towards myself, then turn it 90 degress to which ever direction for where you are in the world would be the direction of sun rise, fold toward again, until the paper looks like a column, fold towards myself, then seal the paper if your not going to burn it, but if you are just put the paper upside down so the part would unfold is on the bottom. Then as the energy of the fire spirit (the candle flame) has been filling the area with it's power, then and only then would I (safely) burn the paper to ash, anchor the spell(before you burn the paper) to either the sun (before noon as that's for when the energy gives a "double boost" to spells that manifest (in this case bring something) and after noon is for spells that "remove, banish, destroy, etc, once the ashes have been collected I would anchor the spell to a pine tree since it holds the essence of immortality, burry the ashes under the pine tree and after that's all done, tap three times on the place where you buried the ashes with your shovel giving thanks to the tree (the spirits, not like the object of the tree itself) then I would cleanse the space like how one would wash dishes after a meal so the pot or whatever can be used for another meal and its all clean and all that. I am in no means attempting to talk down to you, this is just how I personally would perform the spell you have listed, elsewise I feel as though this spell wouldn't work as there's no mystical binding agent, it just reads like wishing on a star, you need energy to power the spell. I do hope this is useful for you Daulton1.

Let me know if you have issues

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