New Moon Manifest

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New Moon Manifest
Post # 1
August 4th is the new moon of the 8th month of the 8th year a powerful new moon I need you to take a clear glass of water and take it outside once it’s completely dark outside and let it remain intact and untouched until 7am the following morning and once you obtain it after sitting outside untouched all night pour it over your feet it will initiate your month of August

Pouring the water over your feet will start activate a new beginning and a beautiful fresh rejuvenating new beginning and a refreshing renewing start also unlocking abundance and new balance with stability and success will follow through and during such visualization is a key element in this process that leads to a beautiful new start and new era of your lives
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Re: New Moon Manifest
Post # 2
I like this and I'm most definitely going to do it. Thank You for sharing.

Blessed Be
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Re: New Moon Manifest
By: / Novice
Post # 3
I'd also add August 8 is The Lions Gate Portal and is viewed by many as the day to manifest. [and Mercury Retrograde beings August 4, so get your ducks in a row]
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