Demon Coin Found at Park

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Demon Coin Found at Park
Post # 1
About a year ago I was metal detecting at a children's park and I came across a coin about the size of a quarter buried in the sand. One side of it reads CAMIO with the number 53 and what looks to be a Hebrew letter. The other side has the symbol of Caïm.

In all my time holding on to this coin I asked it for help once and I had a very peculiar dream which evolved into my first sleep paralysis experience. Not that it was bad because it actually ended up helping a lot by revealing an answer to me and waking me up in time to do what needed to be done. I also didn't need to do any specific ritual I just left it beside my bed when I went to sleep.

I guess my question here is, why would this coin be buried at a children's park, and is there anything specific I should do with it? Any advice at all would be appreciated!

Pictures of the coin:
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Re: Demon Coin Found at Park
Post # 2

From what I looked up, this is 100% dealing with Ceremonial Magic. Caim, in it's Gaelic translation, means 'protecting' and 'sanctuary'. He was used for protection-based prayers in the very early Celtic Church.

This could be a long shot, but I think the person buried the coin was using Caim's seal to protect the children in the park. Or maybe it could have been buried there a long time ago and you discovered it after possibly several hundred or thousands of years. And given that the dream you had, to me, this reinforces the first theory.

And here's a source if it'd help:

I don't know much about the topic, so please take my advice with a grain of salt! But I hope I was able to help.


~ Astra

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Re: Demon Coin Found at Park
Post # 3
Thank you so much for your insights and information Astra! I had no idea Caïm appeared in Celtic mythology.

I should mention that the park is in South California, and the playground is pretty modern too (the sand I found it in was laid by humans), so it's likely not a very old coin. I think your first theory makes a lot of sense as you yourself said.

My original idea was that a group of people held a ritual there at night and perhaps lost the coin since it was not buried very deep. But your theory also makes me believe it may have been given to one of the children as a form of protection and it was lost by them when they were playing at the playground.

When I had originally done research on Caïm I learned that one thing he is capable of doing is revealing truths to people, and I believe that was what he helped me with, although perhaps there has been some protection with it. Either way it's a very interesting coin and I look forward to seeing what purpose it wishes to fulfill!
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