Pass Your Bad Luck

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Pass Your Bad Luck
Post # 1
My question is this: my ex told my son that he supposedly had someone cruse my son to take his father's bad luck hence saying (the son will suffer the father's sins). Now I don't believe you can pass any of your bad luck on to another, its our decisions that create our luck, so no he can't just pass it on to my son. I keep trying to tell my son this but he truly believes that it was done. How can I help him understand that just isn't possible. he believes his father as cursed him and every time anything starts to go good or if he feels positive and good about things, only bad comes from it. EX: In May my son was doing great, happy and bought a used/newer car, much need. Then at the end of the month our beloved dog Freya caught Lyme Nephritis, and we lost her because of it. Then his used car's subframe rotted and broke, now he needs a new subframe, then his other car, just stopped running, and then the head gasket om ,y 25 yr old car finally went. which i then had to buy another car. And he blames the supposed cursed his father said he had put on him. Because he was happy and doing well. (Which knowing, wasn't anyone's fault). But he just wont believe me. Its not a curse, just life. Or am I wrong, can it be passed on to my son. if so, how do I stop it immediately. so confused and lost with this.
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Re: Pass Your Bad Luck
Post # 2
A lot to look at here, but in short. Yes bad luck can be the subject of a hex and it is possible to link someone else to that spell, so if I hex person 1 , then later on I decide "Oh , I'm going to hex the son as well" I can just link the son to the spell I cast on person 1 , so you could say "someone cursed your son to take on your father's bad luck" though that's not really what's happened. He's either been included in a secondary casting of the spell to cause bad luck, or, he's been linked to the same spell used on the father. So , do you see how there's a difference from passing on bad luck? Like, you could describe it that way but it wouldn't be entirely accurate. In terms of removing this spell, well only magic can beat magic. I'll have to get back to you on any specific solutions, but in general hexes can be cleansed away but it depends if a spell anchor was used or not as well as if anyone prevention mechanics were used in the casting of the spell on the son. Additionally, energy can be transferred so its possible to get around the spell anchor if the hex is transferred to an object and then put that object far away, you would potential need two objects , some small stones would work , maybe about palm size? or so. I can provide you with a ritual I have for this but I'd prefer to do this through private message as I don't want to share this with the whole world as some people (witches) will attempt to mess with it, same reason why you don't see people talking about how they magically guard themselves.

Hope this is useful

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