The Cursed Family

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The Cursed Family
Post # 1
Hi My name is actually Final. I am an old user back after about 17 years and was unable to change my username.

My journey started around 20 years ago when I was 12 and my body shut down in hospital. You see I have had a curse in my family for generations and I am trying to lift it. I am unfortunately one of the Kennedy's and my family lineage is cursed. By what I cannot say but I am trying everything in my power to try and break this curse. My mother and aunt have MS, I keep getting one autoimmune condition after another and I am going to finally put a stop to this...

My partner is an advanced witch and she is guiding me as well as casting spells for me every week.

Nice to meet you all.
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Re: The Cursed Family
Post # 2
I feel bad that you are cursed do you know who cursed you
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Re: The Cursed Family
Post # 3
Merry Meet Artemis

It saddens me much to know about your current situation and to hear about your mum and aunt. Also about your autoimmune condition. However I admire your strength and determination in saying that you are working towards putting an end to this. I have to salute you also in saying that you are doing everything in your power to lift this curse.

The fact of the matter is, is that you are not taking this lying down. You are showing courage and determination and that to me warrants respect and admiration. Good on you.

I wish you well in succeeding in your future endeavours and may your spell work weave positivity in your life.

Blessed Be
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Re: The Cursed Family
Post # 4
Honestly I have no idea but it predates my immediate family, all the way back to JFK (Yes I am a descendant). No one truly knows who cursed the family Kennedy but I blessed a quarts in hopes of trying to alleviate the effects of the curse.
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