What is this ??

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What is this ??
Post # 1
I don't really know what's going on, ever since I took mushrooms I have been obsessed with the moon and night sky, all my drawings are exactly how I experienced my last mushroom trip and I don't what it's saying. Is it even related to this?
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Re: What is this ??
Post # 2

While I do not endorse the use of hallucinogenics, I will provide some information that has been shared. The use of mushrooms ("shrooms") can provide users with a variety of experiences, both positive and negative. It can unlock deeper parts of the mind, potentially opening one up to 'higher planes' of existence. What you experienced during your last 'trip' may have contributed to your fascination with the moon and the night sky, although it could just as easily be due to natural human curiosity.

Just remember, as there are 'good' trips, there is the possibility of 'bad' trips. The use of shrooms is very dangerous and I, again can't stress the importance of being cautious when and where you use them.

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Re: What is this ??
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 3
This thread has been moved to Misc Topics from Introduce Yourself.
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