New to tarot cards and tarot reading

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New to tarot cards and tarot reading
Post # 1
Can someone please explain to me what exactly tarot cards do and are they reliable?
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Re: New to tarot cards and tarot reading
Post # 2

Tarot cards are a medium of divination, which uses cards (similar to playing cards) to divine the past, present, future. They can also be used to read someone's personality, or to give them advice on what to do in life.

A deck of tarot cards contains the usual 52 cards (standard for a playing card deck) with an additional 26 cards, known as the 'major arcana.' The standard 52 cards are referred to as the 'minor arcana.' The major arcana include cards such as The Universe, The Lovers, The Tower, The Hanged Man, etc.

Essentially, depending on how you draw the cards and how they are placed in the 'spread' (layout of the cards), the cards will communicate different things, and thus give you a different reading.

In my personal opinion, Tarot cards are very reliable, as they offer a wide range of possibilities that can each uniquely fit the 'quarant.' (The person getting the reading)

If you'd like to learn more about giving tarot readings, the meaning of each card, and learn some tarot spreads to use, I highly suggest visiting this website. Simply click on 'lessons' in the sidebar and you'll be directed to an in depth course on the subject.

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Re: New to tarot cards and tarot reading
Post # 3
Thank you SinixO for that useful information!
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Re: New to tarot cards and tarot reading
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 4
This thread has been moved to Fortune Telling from General Info.
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Re: New to tarot cards and tarot reading
Post # 5
actually, the major arcana is only 22 cards numbered from 0 to 21. the minor arcana is 56 cards as each suit has 1 more court card than a traditional playing deck.
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Re: New to tarot cards and tarot reading
Post # 6

Ahh yes, thank you AnDeireadh for clairifying that. Must of been typing too quickly, haha.

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Re: New to tarot cards and tarot reading
Post # 7
Tarot cards are used as a tool for divination and self-reflection, offering insights and guidance based on their symbolism and the context of the reading. Each card in a tarot deck has its own set of meanings and interpretations, which can reveal aspects of your situation, emotions, and potential outcomes.

How Tarot Cards Work:

Symbolism and Interpretation: Tarot cards feature symbolic imagery that reflects various aspects of life, such as emotions, relationships, and decisions. The reader interprets these symbols based on the context of your questions or the situation at hand.

Spreads and Layouts: During a reading, cards are laid out in specific patterns or "spreads" to address different areas of your life. The arrangement and position of the cards provide a framework for interpretation.

Intuition and Insight: A tarot reader uses their intuition and understanding of the cards to provide insights and guidance. This can help you gain perspective on your situation and explore potential paths forward.

Reliability of Tarot Cards:

Subjective Nature: The reliability of tarot cards can be subjective. They are not based on scientific principles but rather on symbolism and intuition. Their effectiveness often depends on the reader's skill and your openness to the process.

Personal Reflection: Tarot readings can be valuable for personal reflection and gaining clarity on your thoughts and feelings. They may not predict the future with absolute certainty but can offer guidance based on current energies and possibilities.

If you're curious about how tarot cards might specifically apply to your situation or want a more personalized reading, a psychic tarot phone reading could be a good option. These readings provide the convenience of connecting with a tarot reader remotely and can offer insights tailored to your personal queries and circumstances.
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