
Forums ► Spell Suggestions ► premonitions
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Post # 1
Hi so for context i have dreams that come true but i don't know when it will sometimes its weeks or days or even months but sometimes when the day it happens arrives i recognize it but the other part doesn't happen
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Re: premonitions
Post # 2
please tell me why and also how i can have them without dreaming
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Re: premonitions
Post # 3
So, are you saying that your dreams come true partially?

Also, are you asking whether it is possible to have such premonitions outside dreaming, and if so, are you asking how you would be able to cultivate the ability to do so?
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Re: premonitions
Post # 4
yes my dreams partially come true but it just started recently before they fully came true, yes i'm asking if whether it is possible to have such premonitions outside dreaming,and yes i'm asking how you would be able to cultivate the ability to do so
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Re: premonitions
Post # 5
I've had similar experiences. I see a scenario in my head just a few minutes/hours before it actually happens. One time it was bad enough that i thought I'd seen my friends death in advance
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