rosary magic

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rosary magic
Post # 1
Do you use rosary while doing magic?
I say affirmations while using the rosary.
Do you think the rosary spell is a powerful tool?
If you have used rosary before, I want you to share your experiences.
Thank you.
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Re: rosary magic
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
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Re: rosary magic
Post # 3

Yes the rosary can be used in magick. There are even certain novenas, which are nine day prayers, mostly done withcandles, you could use a long side it. You can offer a rosary to certain people or other petitions. You could pray the rosary along side a novena to a saint. You could dress the candle with herbs and oil that match you intention. You could make the sign of the cross with the rosary in hand to bless things. This would be extremely helpful if it was blest by a priest. With that said you could bless water and salt with your rosary before making holy water. Some people like to keep rosaries on door handles to keep evil outand according to folklore a rosary made out of job tears (a type of seed) is used to get answered prayers more quickly.

I hope this helps! :)

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