Rekindling lost love

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Rekindling lost love
Post # 1
Hello, I've been using this site for over a decade, but just recently made an account to use the forums.

I broke up with my partner recently, and I want him back. We're still on good terms, and the break up was kind of mutual even though I initiated it. We've talked a bit since the break up, and have both said that we didn't want to break up. He said he still loves me, but he had to "turn it off" because he was hurt, and heartbroken. Which I understand. So my question is, what can I do to "turn it back on" so to speak? The love is already there, I just want him to be able to feel it again.

For some context, I was having a low mental health moment, and he could tell so he wanted me to talk about it. I said before we started the conversation that I didn't want to talk about it at the time because I didn't want to say something I'd regret (like breaking up), but he said he'd rather me be honest about my feelings, and not hold back out of fear of a fight. (There was no fight, just a very emotional conversation). I reiterated several times that I DIDN'T want to break up, but over the course of the conversation I felt like he was pushing me toward breaking up. I wasn't in the right state of mind to be having this conversation, so I could have been perceiving something that wasn't there.

I have BPD, and have been in a lot of toxic relationships. I've done a lot or work, and been in on going therapy for over a year to work on this, and I've been doing really well. This relationship has been the first healthy, stable relationship I've been in. We actually talk about our problems, and give each other the space to be human, and make mistakes. I don't wanna lose him.

Sorry this was so long, and prolly a little TMI.
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