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Post # 1
Hey everyone,
so i basically watched law and attraction videos on youtube maybe a million times,and i decided to write here so i can have your ideas too as i have questions for you all.

What i understand is hold one image of what we want(the outcome of your dream) and support that wish with goodemotions. Dont forget to show gratitude of what you have.

I am basically having fertility issues. Before we wanted a child, i actually begged spirits and divines to make me infertile as we did not want at that time. However we really want to have one now and I desperately want a baby. Please help me. Should I make a reverse a spell thing(i also dont know how to unwish) or use my imagination and try spells? I really am open to any of the suggestions. It seems like my wish for never getting pregnant become true. People change. I need suggestions. Thanks in advance.
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Re: fertility
Post # 2
Well first off a woman can only get pregnant when she is ovulating.

3 days before your period, or 3 days during your period, or 3 days after your period.

By taking and keeping track of your temperature, you will find the three days your temperature rises, signaling you are ovulating.

Try this before anything else.

Best wishes.
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Re: fertility
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 3
This thread has been moved to Other Spells Discussion from General Info.
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Re: fertility
Post # 4
You should never think of wishing any 'infertility' upon yourself. This is why contraception has been invented. To use it and to not be pregnant.
If you are aware of your menstrual cycle, meaning - you understand the basic laws of human biology and the reproductive cycle, you can try ovulation tests. Those help you detect the fertility peak.

Second of all, if you have tried that, and it's not working - instead of spells, consider herbal supplements. Red raspberry leaf, evening primrose, dong quai. But be cautious to NOT take them, if you are already expecting.
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