Hey I've been around

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Hey I've been around
Post # 1
Greetings I'm Selena. I've never posted but I used to come and look on here as a teenager and I found my way back as a 30 year old woman. This time I decided to join and not stay in the background. Im on here hoping to find some insight on managing my foresight,intuition, and empathic tendencies. I practice protective, earth, and healing magic. Im currently regaining knowledge and am open to anyone with helpful knowledge. Thank you for taking the time to read this and I look forward to learning and growing in a community of my peers!
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Re: Hey I've been around
Post # 2
Howdy and welcome fellow intuitive user (*°°*)
Hopefully you will find what you seek upon here (´`)
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Re: Hey I've been around
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 3

Welcome back to the site :) My profile page as well as other moderators have information on their profiles that may be helpful. You may have already checked out Newbie Central but if not it's on the site for other helpful advice. A link in the bottom left corner of almost every site page is available to take you there. Popular posts are also stuck near the top of each section of the forums and they are often loaded with good advice.

Below are some links to books I recommend reading;






Currently there are several of our books out of stock but we are expecting a large shipment of these books on or about 3/15/25.

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