Mystic Books

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Mystic Books
Post # 1
I have recently endeavored on a project to make a list of books that are not apart of the typical earthly archive, such as books that are in Heaven or Hell books that have been written by angels or demons or handed to us by angels or demons. For example, the book of Life, the book of Remembrance, and the book of Sorrows are books that are in Heaven. The book of the Courses of the Heavenly Luminaries was given by the archangel Uriel (although we seem to have this book in public libraries as humans already). I will also be looking for books in Hell or books that have been given us by demons.

If anyone knows of any books that match what I am looking for, please mail me or reply in this thread. I will also be updating this thread.

However, because we are dealing with knowledge that has been hidden from the majority of mankind and that contains potentially dangerous writings, I will not be sharing the contents of those books with any who do not already know those contents, if I can find a way to access those books myself that is, until an order has been established to guard the knowledge of those books and to only allow access to individuals who are ready to read them. Thus, the updates that I will be providing in this thread or in other threads on this topic will be to share the names and general descriptions of those books. I may publish a record of such findings as well.
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