Tarot Cards

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Tarot Cards
Post # 1
Doesanyone know how to make tarot cards? I mean homemade tarot cards. Not just a deck of cards. I want to know how to make tarot cards, out of index cards or anything.

(Please, please, please tell me!)
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Re: Tarot Cards
Post # 2
you cant
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Re: Tarot Cards
Post # 3
you can but you'd have to be a very good drawer. or you can just write the name of the card onto the index card. but your best bet is if you buy a pack from the store.
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Re: Tarot Cards
By: / Novice
Post # 4
There are lots of tools for scrying and none of them HAVE to be intricately designed. A plus about making your own deck is that you can deviate from the suits however you see fit, and the cards don't have to mean what a book says. Although they don't have to anyway, in fact they can mean something different everytime you flip 'em, and maybe even moreso in conjunction with other cards.
Just get an idea of what you would like your deck to be like, and let it form itself. This is a lot of fun with runes too.
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Re: Tarot Cards
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 5
As long as your deck has 56 Minor Arcana cards and 22 Major Arcana cards it should be fine to make your own. In fact their are places that sell blank decks to make your own.

Just have four suits that contain a king, a queen, a knight, a page, an ace, and number cards 2-10. The suits can be anything you wish like one that is a staff, rod, wand, or stick. One that is a sword, knife, dagger, or battle axe. One that is a cup, bowl, cauldron, pot or kettle. And One deck that is a pentacle, cross, star, moon, or ankh. You get the idea.

The major cards need to be as follows; the fool, the magician, the high priestess, the empress, the emperor, the high priest, the lovers, the chariot, justice, the hermit, the wheel of fortune, strength, the hanged man, death, temperance, the devil, the tower, the star, the moon, the sun, rejuvenation, and the world. Some decks can have the card of the hierophant instead of the high priest.

Here are some sites to help you get started;




I would love to make a deck with a few new cards, like the I'm out card, the recount card, and the screw it card!
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