werid huh

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werid huh
Post # 1
I have always been very interested in magic , i have seen alot of creepy things my life like ghosts, heard spirts. never been afraid,i guess coz my grandmother is very found of magic but yesterday when i was talking 2 ma parents about a snake spell that i wanted to cast,i woke up 2 see a little baby snake in my drawer but dead? any1 knows wat dat means? i'd love to know......
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Re: werid huh
Post # 2
hmmm maybe you are very powerful and cast it just by thinking it also maybe its something bad
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Re: werid huh
Post # 3
that is strange. i'm not sure, it could be something bad
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Re: werid huh
Post # 4
I guess it would depend on what the spell was. Was it a spell to draw snakes to you or to keep them away? We all have the ability of magick within us we just have to draw it out. You definately could have cast the spell just by talking about it or thinking about it. I would have to know more to know if it was good or bad.
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