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Post # 1
I need a a curse to make my friend fear me and stuff like that...
I have his picture and can i curse him trough the picture

help me please
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Re: Curse
Post # 2
I will only say one thing "what goes around, comes back around".
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Re: Curse
Post # 3
srry but i have to say this ur a fool if he's ur friend he shouldnt fear u he should respect u since he's ur friend and jus remember wat goes around comes bacc times three i dont understand wat would compel u to do this
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Re: Curse
Post # 4
dude crma freek a friend you backstaber i have no spels for you
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Re: Curse
Post # 5
This is a bad idea, you are betraying your friend by making him become afraid of you. As stated, what comes around goes around. What is a friend when they are afraid of you? Do you find it sorta dumb at all? (ya i know this post is late :S)
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Re: Curse
Post # 6
I would just like to make this brief.

1. It would only come back times 3, if he does it through Wiccan means. There are alot of different types of magic in the world, and it can be done in a way that isn't Wiccan.

2. By friend, do you mean acquaintance, or perhaps this friend is a bit cruel sometimes?

3. Grow up eveybody. All he wants to do is strike a little bit of intimidation into his friend's heart, and you're going on about saying it's bad Karma, and blowing it out of proportion.
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Re: Curse
Post # 7
Very sorry, but what is a friend that is cruel to him?
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