Bad luck hex

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SpellsBeauty  ► Bad Luck  ► Bad luck hex
With this spell you'll be able to hex someone for bad luck. I know it works because it reversed on me yaypie

Casting Instructions for 'Bad luck hex'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Piece of yellow ribbon long enough to tie a bow
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Piece of yellow ribbon long enough to tie a bow

Cast the following :

"Make this ribbon now cursed, make them ill or even worse" 

After that, tie the ribbon possibly above a pentagram. Then ​​​​​​give it to the person you want to hex or hide it near them.



Added to on Feb 12, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Considering that the writer of this spell is my FORMER best friend, and that we did it together, I am pretty sure that it works.

Jul 06, 2020
But now she hates me, and she probably wants demons killing me, I'm scared fur life

Aug 10, 2020
May the Divine protect you

Cool! Planning on doing this to my longtime rival

Oct 01, 2020
I'd do it on my sister. Yellow is her fav colour, too. She's already petrified of red string, though, and I could just do that but I don't have the string

how do i tie it above a pentagon??

May 30, 2021
i meant pentagram

May 30, 2021
You draw your pentagram and hover the rope over it and tie it like how you hold your hands above a fire.

Too simplistic to really work. Yellow is associated positive things such as protection and happiness. Saying once ''hex this person'' then proceeding to tie a knot does nothing. If anything, it would act as a protection if you are attaching a yellow ribbon to a pentagram, another protection symbol, you are unwittingly protecting them because the ingredients have protective qualities and you are putting no Magik/energy into hexing outside of saying once ''I hex you'' which will do nothing without energy/Magik behind the statement.

Jul 06, 2022
Wouldn't the color black be more of a hexing color to use

Jul 07, 2022
Correct, but it can also be used for protection. If one does not follow colour correspondences, does not have black, or feels a different colour is better, you can use something else. White is a generic colour which can be used for anything. Based on this specific spells items, this is a blessing.

my enemies who cheated me and took my house and my money want me killed asap. I want them all to be killed in a car accident asap. please help.

This one works really well, but remember to be completely sure you want to use it. I used it on my enemy, and today she fell off her chair and got a concussion.

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