Dragon Transformation by Jewel1218

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SpellsBeauty  ► Dragon  ► Dragon Transformation by Jewel1218
This spell will turn you into a dragon.I'm not sure if it works so no rude mails please.The other one that I created i messed up on so come to this one cause the other one won't work, but this one might.

Casting Instructions for 'Dragon Transformation by Jewel1218'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Pen/pencil
  • Colored pencils/crayons
  • Paper
  • Ruler(12inches)
  • Belief in dragons
  • Imagination
  • Faith
  • Patience
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Pen/pencil
  • Colored pencils/crayons
  • Paper
  • Ruler(12inches)
  • Belief in dragons
  • Imagination
  • Faith
  • Patience

1. Draw the dragon that you want to be. Place the height and length of the dragon. (height is at the shoulders not the head) Exmaple 1 inch = 1 foot. then color the dragon in. it doesnt have to be the color of the element.

2. Fold the paper hamburger style

3. Write your info: (Name, element, breed, scale color, eye color, wing size, tail, abilities, behavior/personality, Strength, speed,accessories, etc...)

4. Fold the paper hamburger style

5. Say aloud while writting the following: " Dragons, dragons, dragons, I wish  to be a dragon. I want to be a (element) dragon. My scale color shall be (color), and my eyes will be glowing (color). God , grant me my wish to be, I wish to be a dragon. So mote it be. ( so mote it be should be written as big as you can) You can have more than one element, but two is the max.

6. Fold papeer hamburger style

7. Draw a pentagram

8. Fold paper hamburger style

9. Now every night for three nights, before you go to sleep say: " God, please let me be the dragon that I wish to be. Then chant: " Dragons, dragons, dragons, I wish to be a dragon. I want to be a (element) dragon. My scale color shall be (color), and my eyes will be glowing (color). God, grant me my wish to be, I wish to be a dragon. So mote it be.

10. Now kiss the paper and place it under your pillow. As you fall asleep, dream of you being a dragon.

NOTE: Once you have chanted the three nights, you have sealed the deal and you cant start over.

Side effects:

1st: Eye color will change or become brighter

2nd: You will grow claws on your hands and feet, and your skin will change to the color you chose, and your skin texture will change as you grow scales.

3rd. Your neck will become longer and your face will start to look like the dragon you drew.

4th. your wings will start to sprout.

5th. All of the accessories will start to sprout,Example: Horns, fins, spikes, etc.

You will feel every symptom of change, so you will feel nauseous, you back will hurt, your tail bone will hurt, you'll get tooth aches, and head aches. Your transformation might be fast or it might be slow, I dont know, like I said it all depends on you. I hope it works, and I wish you the best of luck. ^^


Added to on Aug 13, 2012
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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You can't become a Dragon, magick doesn't contradict nature.

You will not physically transform into a dragon.

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