Draconian Inner Stone

SpellsBeauty  ► Dragon  ► Draconian Inner Stone
I have test it my self! What it does it brings out your inner dragon spirit form! And bring out who you really are more!You can really feel more of your dragon form when you wear your stone,And your self!

Casting Instructions for 'Draconian Inner Stone'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Container for your blood
  • Stone or crystal (You need to have a strong bond with it)
  • you will need a bowl
  • Full Moon
  • Believe
  • Energy
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Container for your blood
  • Stone or crystal (You need to have a strong bond with it)
  • you will need a bowl
  • Full Moon
  • Believe
  • Energy

You will need to do.Get a bowl same color as your dragon scales or a diffent color it really doesn't matter. Fill the bowl with hot boil water, Or macrowwave tem- Then put your stone in the water carefully. Add your blood in your bowl. Then baken soda.Then stir for awhile. After done stiring to mix the water and your blood. Put your hands side to side of the bowl, make your hands like clawling like, and close your eyes and put all your enegy into the stone and blood, then say the spells as you cast.

Stone Spell


"Come an merge
with my blood of my dragon might,
Make an allow of every might that I shall wear this,
Dragon might will show. Who I am really behold the richfullness
of dragon.
Let it be on bestold to the might of dragon heve.
Let the dragon might show as I wear this stone of my pure dragon blood,
Have and allow my dragon might be free of and from hold,
Let it show and merge me so mote it be."



What you need to do,is get a browl but haves to be your color type,
it doesnt have to be your color.
Its just a good suggestion
it'll still work.
But will take a while to soak
bowling hot water, an pure it carefully into the bowl, take baking soda in it, stir it for a while.
Put your stone in the bowl in it,
an add your blood in it just alittle.
Put your hands side to side like your casting magic let your magicka go on it an, Make sure its moon full tonight.
An say the 1st spell while your casting an while its soaking
after your done get it out an make it into a neckalence then say the secound while your looking into it an holding it up,

Then your done.


Added to on Oct 13, 2013
Last edited on Jul 31, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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You can connect with astral Dragons, or use this as an inner strength spell to give yourself courage, but you're human. You don't have an ''inner Dragon'' so this doesn't work as it claims.

The chant alone is off. You do not have an inner dragon spirit form you must unlock. However, you could fix the chant and turn this into a ritual to bring confidence or help you connect with your inner self. But this? Does not work as outlined. And do not test it because it calls for a ''container'' of your blood which is a dangerous amount. Blood magick is real, but using a containers worth of your blood is not how blood magick works. A spell calling for such a large quantity of blood is an immediate red flag the spell is fake.

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