Dragon Transformation

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SpellsBeauty  ► Dragon  ► Dragon Transformation
This spell will turn you into a dragon.

Casting Instructions for 'Dragon Transformation'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Voice
  • Mind
  • Belief
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Voice
  • Mind
  • Belief
Just simply chant this spell three times:
''Let me have scales of a dragon. Let me transform into a dragon any time I want. Let me have control in my dragon form. Let me be a creature I want to be. So Mote It Be.''

This spell should work instantly after chanting three times. If not, allow up to three days.
Some people will get side effects, and they are:
Nausea (Mild to moderate)
Growing claws
Backaches (If dragon form has wings)

-Imagine you turning into the dragon you want
-To turn back into a human, imagine yourself in human form and claw the ground 3x in a row
-To turn into a dragon again, picture your dragon form and chant, ''I shall turn into the dragon I was before.''

This spell can work on anyone, even kids.


Added to on Nov 18, 2013
Last edited on May 01, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Im trying this spell out it's end of day 1 will try to keep you updated

Mar 04, 2019
Ok so I've had most of the side affects I have no toothaches I will give this until day 3 then I will recast it and on day 6 in not a dragon then im going to mark this as a not working spell

Mar 05, 2019
You can't transform into another creature with magick, that simply isn't how it works. Any ''side effects'' you are experiencing is due to the placebo effect and nothing more.

i dd this spell i will see if this will work. And if this does i will seek revenge on my friend piercelyn and i will fly around freely

You cannot physically transform into a dragon with Real Magik.

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