Call Dragon Familiar

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SpellsBeauty  ► Dragon  ► Call Dragon Familiar
This spell is to call your dragon familiar.

Casting Instructions for 'Call Dragon Familiar'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None


" Dragon of my family
Please come to me
I will be thy friend
Not enemy
Please come to me

I will not hurt you
Nor be unkind
Our two souls
Will we bind
Pleas come be with me
Hear my plea
So mote it be"

Your dragon familiar will be with you 2 days after you do this.


Added to on Dec 18, 2013
Last edited on May 14, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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I canted this 3 times does that matter?

Mar 08, 2019
I don't think the number of times really matters. I also doubt the effectiveness of the spell. You might be able to contact an astral Dragon with this, but you won't be bound to it because in Dragon Magick you work with them and you're not bound to one specific Dragon forever [plus Dragons live much longer than humans anyway] I would set up a little altar and meditate before it.

nó có thành công ko?

Mar 18, 2021
Just a heads up, this site is English only, so you'll have to translate your comments [site rule] As for ''did it succeed'' try it for yourself and see. Personally, I don't think it will work, but you might be able to edit the chant so it becomes a protection or calling on Dragons in a ritual.

Jan 31, 2022
what they said is ''is it successful?'' in Vietnamese

so i was wondering i want to be a dragon magick specialist does it all have to be tied to dragons for it to be dragon magick

Jan 31, 2022
What do you mean by ''all''? Dragon magick works with Dragons, but you can also work with deities and ancestors. It isn't exclusive. It's like having a master's in art with a BA in English, you can have both. There are plenty of rituals and spells calling on Dragons, but you can just as easily alter a spell to include Dragons. As for a specialist, Dragon magick is a personal path. It's more of a personal spiritual guide for the individual than a group of people following the same path. There are similar teachings, but it's unique to the mage.

This is fake and does not work. Setting aside the odds of you having a dragon as a familiar, the wording is wrong. You are begging a random dragon to bind its soul with yours. The spell does not include any ritual or procedure beyond the chant, and it does not give instruction on how to chant, so it appears as though you say this once and in two days get a dragon. No spell can give you an accurate timeline for it to work. Some might work within a day, others might take years. It all depends on the situation and skill of the witch.

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