A Dragon Protector

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SpellsBeauty  ► Dragon  ► A Dragon Protector
This spell allows you to creat your own dragon protector.

Casting Instructions for 'A Dragon Protector'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Clay(potters)
  • A kiln (or something to slowly fire it)
  • Paints
  • A needle
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Clay(potters)
  • A kiln (or something to slowly fire it)
  • Paints
  • A needle

First meditate and clear your mind. Then use your minds eye and see your dragon protector. Take the clay in your hands and work it into the shape of your dragon. Open your eyes and add details like ears, spikes, scales, and eyes. Then slowly fire your dragon in your kiln. When it comes out paint your dragon any way you want.

Take the needle and prick your finger. Squeeze a drop of blood where his Heart would be. Name him and call him to be. Repeat his name times three . Then say "as I will it come to be, as I call so mote it be". I'm not sure how long it takes for the life to go into it but when it does you will know. When you need protection call its name then say "as I made you you shall see ,I need protection so mote it be"


Added to on Dec 28, 2013
Last edited on Apr 27, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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does this really work?

Apr 19, 2019
no. you could create a thought-form, or servitor [basically your energy to do a task] but you cannot create a Dragon. you might be able to work with Dragons and one could guard your house, but you can't create one, nor will one obey you and watch your house because you cast a spell.

Jun 23, 2019
don't use banned language, it can get your account gagged. i've worked with Dragons since i was 18, i can tell you they are astral beings similar to spirits. you can't create them, they already exist. what this spell would do is pool your own energy into the ''shape'' of a Dragon, but it wouldn't be a real Dragon, just your energy. once you stop feeding it energy it will vanish, unlike an astral Dragon that may come to visit your home in the physical, but return back to the astral. they don't exist because of us, they exist because they're their own being. [also should note, an astral being doesn't become physical in the physical realm, they're more like spirits]

Aug 14, 2019
I don't want to be rude or demotivate anyone but....I actually agree with Nekoshima on this one, Dragons cannot be created...at least not by normal magic or energy.....the energy it would theoretically take to create such a powerfull being as a Dragon would be far to much to handle for an ordinary human...let me tell you one of the most important things in magic: Some catagories of magic, require the caster to be equal to the magic they use, because nature's rule of balance doesn't like to be ignored nor does it allow itself to be broken, when someone tries to break the rules of magic they darken their fate every time.

Do you need the required equipment for this spell to work? And if you do, is there a spell for new Wiccans to do something similar to this?

Nov 20, 2019
1. for this specific spell, yes, you can make your own spell if you can't get the items. this spell doesn't work, you cannot create a Dragon, at best you're creating a thought-form or servitor [pooling your energy into a shape to complete a task] 2. what type of Wicca do you practice? different paths might have subtle differences [Dianic Wicca, for example, would call on female Dragons specifically] i would recommend working with Dragons, calling on their energies, and blessing a Dragon statue. doing so, however, be sure to treat it like a statue of your deities [leave offerings, meditate by it, wash it if it gets dusty, so on]

You cannot create your own dragon. This sounds like you are creating a golem. It would be similar to a servitor. You are not creating a real dragon, you are pooling your energy into a form and programming it to complete a task.

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