Bath Prosperity Spell

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SpellsBeauty  ► Dragon  ► Bath Prosperity Spell
The best prosperity spell I have ever used.

Casting Instructions for 'Bath Prosperity Spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 1 Green Candle.
  • 3 Silver Coins [all different].
  • Salt.
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 1 Green Candle.
  • 3 Silver Coins [all different].
  • Salt.
Inscribe the amount of money you need on the candle [be reasonable].
Now charge your candle and the coins on your altar.
While they charge run a bath then place the coins and a pinch of salt in the water.
Put the candle at the foot of the bath.
Now light the candle and turn off any lights.
Lay back in the water and focus on the flame visualizing yourself receiving the money.
Chant: ''the green dragon flies over the sea, bringing wealth and prosperity to me''.
Do not wash! Just soak...
Once the candle has burned down by a quarter get out of the bath and dry yourself.
Take the candle and the coins to the altar, let the candle burn down.
Give thanks afterwards.


Added to on Jan 24, 2014
Last edited on Mar 26, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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i would probably use some mint in the water, or even burn some Dragons Blood incense to add to the spell, but this seems like a simple, working money spell.

Apr 07, 2020
Thanks so much, I am starting the process today and I wish myself good luck.

How do you charge your candle and coins on the altar.

Apr 06, 2020
Hold whatever object you wish to charge, feel the magickal energy enter your body, travel down your arms and pool in the object in your hands [your hands and the object should feel warm] If you wish to leave it on your altar overnight, you could ask your deities [or whatever you work with] to bless it.

Nov 09, 2020
Imagine a white light entering the object of charging desire, and burn it up, with ice and fire (just kidding, ice and fire don't mix, so don't mix them). Imagine the white light (that part was right, lol, that rhymed). Anyway, jokes aside, simply imagine the white light entering the object and being charged with your intention. This technique is really easy once you try it

I did the spell yesterday, now what must I do with the coins.

Apr 08, 2020
Carry them as a charm [I would place them in a green sachet]

Nov 09, 2020
You could carry them, or you could simply absorb the energy inside the coins. You've basically enchanted a few coins to bring you money, and you can absorb that magickal energy in case you think you might forget it. I've done this a few times, and it works for me.

Rather simplistic, but plausible. If you do not work with dragons, do not call on them. I would also add a few prosperity herbs in the water.

I will use my own blood to give thanks sometimes blood is good I had to drink blood ect no jokes

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