Get a Pet Dragon

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SpellsBeauty  ► Dragon  ► Get a Pet Dragon
You will get a pet dragon! It really works, I've tested it!

Casting Instructions for 'Get a Pet Dragon'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A small stone
  • A picture of the dragon you want
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A small stone
  • A picture of the dragon you want

First you need to print or draw (in color) your dragon. Next you have to fold it into quarters and put it under your pillow under the stone.

When you go to bed , say "Dragons,dragons,hear my plea, I wish this stone was a dragons egg. It will take the shape of the drawing underneath it .This is my will so mote it be"

When you wake up the stone will look slightly different ( warm to touch, glowing slightly, etc). Tip: small tigers eye stones work best if you want a feirce dragon, amethyst if you want a gentle, docile one


Added to on Apr 04, 2015
Last edited on Aug 13, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Well this just enrages me, thanks for being disrespectful and assuming you can have a Dragon as a pet. For the record, that's a gigantic no, and if you're lucky they won't teach you a lesson for being so disrespectful.

Jan 14, 2020
And who says anyone is ''unworthy''? That is not for you to decide, pitiful creature. You may say what you will, but in the end ask this question: What If you are wrong?

Jan 15, 2020
nobody said anyone was ''unworthy'' i have worked with Dragons for ten years and counting, they are our equals. you treat them with respect, you do not enslave them and make them your pets. this is insulting to Dragons and those who work with them. you can work with astral Dragons, you cannot control them or make them your pet.

Feb 15, 2020
I agree with nekoshema if you want a dragon it should be your friend and should be able to stay or go as they please

Mar 03, 2020
Hey I am new and I am spell practicing magic and studying it I think having a pet dragon is also wrong so don’t attack me I am just saying

Dec 31, 2020
People can belive what they want and why did tou click on the spell if your just going to put people in the disbeliving mindset when people belive what they want and no one wants you to be ruining that if anyone were to be punished it should be you.

Jan 02, 2021
@Luna_Myth I work with Dragons, I have two companions I work with regularly. They are not my pets. The notion someone could make a Dragon a pet was personally offensive. That's all. I wasn't saying you can't work with Dragons, the idea of owning one as a pet was upsetting. You can create a thoughtform from your energy in the shape of a Dragon [it won't be a real Dragon, but that's the closest you'll get to a ''pet'' Dragon] If you wish to work with astral Dragons, you can. Just don't go into it assuming you can own one. They are our equals.

Dragons are not our pets, this is fake.

So like does this work or is it all pretend, I honestly need a partner and I’m tired of humans letting me down. I can speak with a dragon and touch the one I summon right?

Aug 17, 2023
As it's been stated in previous comments, you can work with astral dragons, but you can't have them as pets. As for touching an astral dragon, I'll let someone more experienced working with dragons answer that one.

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