Hatch a Baby Dragon

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SpellsBeauty  ► Dragon  ► Hatch a Baby Dragon
This is a spell to hatch a baby dragon.

Casting Instructions for 'Hatch a Baby Dragon'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Large rock (a few inches smaller than a football)
  • Tall bucket or container
  • A strand of your hair
  • Element object
  • Four containers (one larger than the others)
  • A drop of hot water
  • Your favorite organic scent (in essence form works best because it is a liquid)
  • Several blankets
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Large rock (a few inches smaller than a football)
  • Tall bucket or container
  • A strand of your hair
  • Element object
  • Four containers (one larger than the others)
  • A drop of hot water
  • Your favorite organic scent (in essence form works best because it is a liquid)
  • Several blankets

Put the hair into one container. Then add hot water to another container. Add the element and object and scent to the third container. Mix all three ingredients together into the large container. Move the water around so that the water passes over the hair, the scent, and the element object. 

Lay the rock on one of the bottom corners of your bed. Say the spell. (See below) Pour the drop of water on the top of the rock. Wait for at least 30 seconds. If the drop falls off before 30 seconds have passed, the spell didn't work. If the drop falls off after the 30 second mark, it worked. The water should not longer smell like your favorite scent.

Read the rock like a clock, with 12 o'clock to the North. The water line is the time your egg should be exposed to the air again. It doesn't matter how many days or hours, or even weeks pass, as long as it is exposed at EXACTLY that hour.

Put one of the blankets on the bottom of your container, then shape it like a nest. Make sure the bottom of the container is not visible. Place the rock in the nest, and cover it with blankets. Then, take off the shirt you are wearing and place it over the top.

 Go do something that makes you happy. Wait until the time on the rock, and remove it. If there is not water streak left on it, the spell probably worked. If you can still see the water, put the rock back and wait until the next time the hour changes to the time on the rock.

"As good as the light
As impenetrable as the dark
It is by magic that I make this rock a spark
Of life, of love, of magic

Element Objects-

  • Something charred: fire
  • Ice: ice
  • Cold water drop: water
  • Small rock: mineral
  • Dirt: earth
  • Any crystal: crystal
  • A small, magnetic star or moon: random element


Added to on Oct 12, 2015
Last edited on Apr 27, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Doesn't work. Dragons are astral beings, you don't just get an egg and hatch one. You can work with them and you might get a Dragon guardian and/or guide but you won't get a physical Dragon.

Jan 23, 2020
how dare you say that about dragons you have disrespect the dragons for the last time because i am a dragon reincarnate in human form from the year 1050 b.c. era

Jan 23, 2020
Roleplaying is against site rules. Furthermore, I work with Dragons [have done so for many years] if you have a Dragon spirit, fine, it doesn't change the fact you cannot create a physical Dragon. They're astral, and while some are reincarnated into human form [because our spirit can be many things over many lifetimes] it doesn't change the reality of magick on the physical plane.

Let people believe what they want there’s no use in trying if they’ve already got there mind set on there belief. For example I’m a mermaid

Apr 09, 2020
So, if someone's decided to jump off a roof because they're convinced they can fly, nobody should bother is your logic? I've worked with Dragons for over ten years, and I'm simply trying to help people understand the path and it's limitations. You can work with Dragons, most will have a guardian who lives in their home and protects it. They are younger Dragons, but you don't create them, they choose to be with you. [I should also point out they're astral beings, so it's more like house spirits than a physical Dragon] I will warn you that claiming your a mermaid would fall under roleplaying which is against site rules and your account could get gagged for breaking the rules.

Dragons are astral beings therefore they are not physical neither are mermaids or any other astral being are not physical and this spell is fake like all of the fantasy spells hence the name being fantasy and not pysical just because it says its real doesn't mean they are telling the truth

This does not work.

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