Basic Draconic Protection

SpellsBeauty  ► Dragon  ► Basic Draconic Protection
To summon a dragon to protect yourself from harm.

Casting Instructions for 'Basic Draconic Protection'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Dragon's Blood Oil
  • 1 white candle dressed in Dragon's Blood oil
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Dragon's Blood Oil
  • 1 white candle dressed in Dragon's Blood oil

Anoint yourself with the oil and cast a circle, lighting the white candle once you are fully within your circle. Close your eyes, visualise your aura growing larger. State in a clear voice:

"By the dragon's light and power, on this (month) and on this hour, I ask of thee to give me your might, protect me and all within sight."

As you say the words, visualize a dragon curling it's body around you, prepared to fight off any evil. You should feel a dragon's presence within a day.


Added to on Oct 12, 2015
Last edited on Aug 26, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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I use a similar chant on the full moon, works well. Just note you're not calling on a Dragon to follow you everywhere, just the energies to shield you from harm [similar to calling on a deity for protection, the deity won't follow you everywhere, but they will keep an eye on you]

Jul 10, 2019
Oh, thanks for this clarification. I got confused for a second.

Feb 25, 2020
Sorry,I just started this way How to get dragon blood?

Feb 25, 2020
You can check this sites shop. Dragons blood can be found in most metaphysical stores, it's an oil made from the sap of a tree.

Does it have to be dragons blood? My parents don't really know about my witchcraft, and I don't know how to tell them, so I probably can't ask them to buy Dragon's Blood Oil. So I was just wondering, are there other, more common ingredients?

Aug 26, 2020
You can use olive oil, or just don't dress the candle at all. Hold the candle and pool energy into it, then light the candle and say the chant. I use this chant to bless my Dragon pentacle and I don't use a candle or oil, just charge it, visualize the Dragons watching over me, then I leave it either on my altar or on the windowsill to sit in the moonlight.

I have seen this spell before, so I will say it is plausible. I would edit the spell because it seems a little flimsy.

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