Fast Wing Spell

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SpellsBeauty  ► Dragon  ► Fast Wing Spell
Use this tested spell to grow wings to fly higher than the sky.

Casting Instructions for 'Fast Wing Spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Belief
  • Voice
  • Quiet room
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Belief
  • Voice
  • Quiet room

Say this 5 times:


"Gods and goddess' of the air hear me now and answer my prayer. I wish to soar with wings of might give me the power of flight. Lend me wings with the colours of ........ (colour you want your wings to be) and my wings to be big enough to carry my body high above the clouds."

Once done wait 4 days.

Side affects:

 Back pains
 Go outside a lot
 Dreams and fantasies about you flying with your wings.


Added to on Feb 22, 2016
Last edited on Feb 26, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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you cannot grow physical wings, that's not how magick works.

You cannot grow physical wings.

Seriously cmon, spells don't work by saying words, it can only work if you manipulate energy and growing wings is not possible, magic can work spiritually and mentally, but not physically, you can't change anything physically, so if I were you, I would put real information than just words

I am a Wiccan, but before now I practiced Magick, which refers to real magic, which does not: contradict nature, change our physical appearance, make you a: merperson, werewolf, member of the fair folk (or fairies), dragon, vampire, unicorn, sphinx, chimera, loch ness monster, griffin, yeti, centaur, leprechaun, gnome, pegasus, ghoul, imp, basilisk, troll, manticore, pixie, hippogriff, kappa, sea serpent, kelpie (not the dog), hippocampus, redcap or erlking, make you move the Elements which are: air, fire, water, thunder, earth, time, ice, light, moon, shadow, force, flower, and, theoretically speaking, space, of planet Earth with your mind, because they are older than humankind itself.

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