Summon a Dragon Familiar

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SpellsBeauty  ► Dragon  ► Summon a Dragon Familiar
A dragon to protect you, be your friend, and many more.

Casting Instructions for 'Summon a Dragon Familiar'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Paper
  • Coloring supplies
  • Pencil/pen
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Paper
  • Coloring supplies
  • Pencil/pen

On the paper, draw a dragon. It can can smooth scales, or fur. It can have ears and horns. Make it your dream dragon. Next to it, write it's name, what type of dragon it is, what gender it is, it's personality, and anything else. Every night, chant the following.

"Dragon of luck, Dragon of protection, come to thee. This is my truest wish, so mote it be."

Think of your dragon often. On the third day, in your mind, call out for your dragon. Search for it, and once you found him/her, talk to it. On the sixth day, Search for it. Ask it to come to you, to let you see it. You can almost see a transparent glow in the place of where your dragon is.

Do not forget your dragon. It will become sad. Try asking your dragon for help, such as some energy, a boost of speed, some luck, or for him/her to protect you.


Added to on Jan 11, 2017
Last edited on Jun 27, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Will it just appear as an egg or something, or what?

Jul 12, 2019
no, Dragons as astral beings, you cannot create one, nor will a Dragons egg just appear in the physical.

Jul 14, 2019
Some see themselves as an otherkin, and have an animal spirit inside them [and I've only met one person who was a Dragon otherkin] but there isn't an ''inner creature'' inside someone. You might be thinking of a power totem or a creature they feel a connection to, but not an inner power that will burst forth into a Dragon.

Is ink pen gonna be any different?

Jul 25, 2019
it won't make a difference what writing tool you use in a spell unless you need a specific colour. that said, you work with Dragons, you don't create, manipulate, or control them. this might pool your energy into a thoughtform, but not a real Dragon.

This spell could summon a dragon spirit to be your familiar, but it will not show in this reality. Some people who can see ghosts may be able to see a glow where it is, but there won't be a game of thrones dragon following you around.

Jul 10, 2023

Love all the comments. I hope mine will show me themselves either in spirit or a feeling.

why have a familiar when can have the deity death/the grim reaper by your side.

Jan 16, 2020

Sep 30, 2020
Why would you want death following you around?

Jan 03, 2021
I know somebody like that.

my otherkin is dragon so this might work for me

This could help you create a thoughtform, but it won't create a Dragon. In Dragon Magick, there is something similar to a familiar and it's a Dragon Guardian, but you don't create them, they become your companion. You will meet them when you're ready. It isn't something you rush.

Jun 09, 2020
Always appreciate your input neko. I always check comments to see if you had input.

Oct 22, 2020
Same here. I always check to see if you've said somethings real or fake, and thank gosh I do, or I'd be disappointed right and left!

Not bad

Can my familiar look like a human

Sep 14, 2021
I think it has to be a real animal. Not to sure though.

Sep 14, 2021
But, this spell won't allow you to make a real dragon.

Sep 14, 2021
It depends on what you think a familiar is. Historically, familiars were believed to be demons in animal form, today it's an animal you have a strong connection to. You could create a thoughtform of your energy in the shape of a human [though that's not a familiar] and while not a ''familiar'' you could have a twin flame or human you make a spiritual bond with.

This might create a thoughtform, but it will not conjure a real dragon to be your familiar.

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